Bible Garden

An Introduction to The Bible Garden

The origins of the Garden date back more than 20 years, to when one of our church members, Susan Andrews, a keen gardener, offered to develop the area at the front of the churchyard into a Bible Garden as part of the church’s celebrations of the Millennium.
Bible Gardens are collections of plants mentioned in the Bible (both the Old and New Testaments). More than 125 different species of plant are found in the Bible. The climate of the biblical Middle East was, and is, very different to 21st century Garstang, so care has been taken to select plants which will still thrive in our more northerly maritime climate.
Whilst still keeping Susan’s original vision and the principles of a Bible Garden, the garden was updated with fresh planting in 2022 as part of the creation of the Plants for Reflection resource.


Plants for Reflection

The idea of Plants for Reflection emerged from the experience of the Covid Pandemic from 2020 onwards. It serves the need identified to provide safe outdoor spaces for people to meet or to relax alone, and as a means of promoting better mental health and wellbeing.
For many years, the Bible Garden has provided visitors and residents of Garstang with a quiet space close to the town centre to sit and relax and enjoy the garden, and the churchyard more generally. The Plants for Reflection are intended to help develop this part of our sharing and our care for the community in which we worship.
Within the Bible Garden you will find twelve labelled plants mentioned in the Bible. Each label includes a QR code which will take you to a reflection based on that plant, the Bible verse and the theme identified on the label. There is also one for the Peace Plough. These have been written by the Ministers and members of our congregation. In part, these short pieces are offered to provide insights into our faith and our work. More importantly, we hope that the image of the plant or plants and those thoughts will be a help and a comfort to you in your life journey.
We gratefully acknowledges the generous financial contribution of the Allchurches Trust’s Hope Beyond programme to the development of the Plants for Reflection project.
Elders, Members, and Ministers of Garstang United Reformed Church
June 2022
Plants for Reflection is part funded by Allchurches Trust’s Hope Beyond programme
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