Garstang United Reformed Church | News Page 1


News: May 2019

On Sunday we held a joint service with our friends in the Methodist Church to celebrate the start of Christian Aid Week.

Below are Rev. Keith Borwick and Rev. Irene John before the service.
May's Charity Coffee Morning was in aid of Parkinson's UK.
May's Tea & Chat was again enjoyed by all who came.
Rotary Shoebox Scheme
This month we are collecting things for Teenagers. Sportswear, scarves, jewellery and games would all be very much appreciated.
Thank you for all your donations, Pauline Greenwood.



Posted: Thu 16th May 2019

Sunday's service will be held at the Methodist church, Garstang.

Note the earlier time of 10.30am.

On Wednesday 15th May there will be the monthly Tea & Chat in the Church Hall.

In the evening, you are invited to join the Men's Society in the Church Hall at 7.30pm to watch the film Casablanca.


Next Sunday, 19th May, our service will be led by Lis Mullen at the usual time of 10.45am.

Below is a message from Lis.

Posted: Fri 10th May 2019

Garstang United Reformed Church | News Page 1